Home Activities Virtual Studio Video Trip – Virtual Studio

Video Trip - Virtual Studio

Embark on an immersive cycling journey with thrilling sessions that blend music, virtual landscapes, and high intensity.

Video Trip - Virtual Studio

The Les Mills TRIP class is an immersive cycling experience that takes you through exciting virtual landscapes while challenging you to push your limits.

Combining high-intensity sprints, climbs, and intervals, TRIP delivers a dynamic workout. With motivating music and captivating visuals, each session not only boosts your physical strength but also engages your mind. Whether you’re an experienced cyclist or a beginner, TRIP offers a fun and effective way to burn calories, improve cardiovascular fitness, and build muscle.

Key Objectives :

  • Customizable intensity
  • Enhanced motivation
  • Cardiovascular fitness improvement
  • Effective calorie burning
  • Muscle strengthening


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  • 4-6 rue Louis Armand
    75015 Paris

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